NBC News tonight

Stories that were covered during today’s NBC News at 5:30:     1)   Overview of cancellation of Obama Care      2)  Individual focus on individuals who are getting yanked off of Obama Care.  Covered one person who voted for Trump … Continue reading NBC News tonight

Emoluments clause? Never heard of it…

Am I the only one who sees how screwed up this is? The article makes some references to the issue of conflicts of interest, and states truthfully that up until now there are no specific laws that apply to his situation.  The article makes NO reference to the very clear conflict to the emoluments clause, though. Article 1, Section 9, U.S. Constitution:  No title of nobility shall be granted by the United States: and no person holding any office of profit or trust under them, shall, without the consent of the Congress, accept of any present, emolument, office, or title, … Continue reading Emoluments clause? Never heard of it…

R the Bigoted, Gay, Anti-Abortion Rights Ex-Roomie

In 1984, I somehow ended up with this yutz R as my room mate my freshman year at Champaign-Urbana.  Thinking about the  comfy house that I now share with Wifey and the Creature makes me marvel that I lived in a single, prison-cell sized room with this despicable, odious specimen for an entire school year. When he talked with his friends back home on the phone (pre cell-phone days), he referred to “The niggers” all the time. He suppressed his Jew-Hating when I was around, but then he referred to Illini Tower as “Kike’s Peak,” in front of my tough, … Continue reading R the Bigoted, Gay, Anti-Abortion Rights Ex-Roomie